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Design team mentoring


In a bank with constant changes, and in full expansion, where agility is already established in all sectors. In the wholesale sector, the world of large companies and corporations, we were still trying to support all products with their respective squads.

For that, the recruitment of designers is key. There are several sources of recruitment:

> External: Designers already trained, with little or a lot of experience. And we also have a special program for young professionals, who just finished their degree in design and want to get work experience.

> Internal: Bank employees who were interested in the role of designer, and through in-house training were trained for the position. They have a lot of knowledge of the financial world and everything to experience from our magical world of design.

To work on the financial wholesale products of: salaries, recurring payments and transfers, it was necessary to reformulate the organization of the cells or design work teams. Appointing myself as the focal point of 3 new designers in order to tackle the pending initiatives and create better experiences for our users.

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As the focal point of a new design cell, train and mentor 3 people of different levels and profiles, with little knowledge of financial wholesale products and, in some cases, even of the banking industry.

Let's start! I created the training involving 3 fundamental aspects: financial education, technical and organizational development.

Financial education

Understanding the financial ecosystem, traditional banks and new fintechs. Bank structure, segments, retail and wholesale products, etc.


Review of various techniques on how to face new challenges (how, when and why to use a specific technique), how to communicate our deliverables (storytelling), creation of ux roadmaps and metrics.

Organizational development

How to understand the organization, review of the agile work methodology, how each squad is organized, technical knowledge of products and work dynamics with the squads.

Note about backlog refinements

We proposed different types of backlog refinements:

- Strategic and/or business: With the product owner, technical owner, product analyst. Focused on reviewing the strategy for the next sprints, plus 2 sprints forwards.

- Technical: Focusing on the systematic review of the specific initiatives to work on in subsequent sprints. We all participate! design team with the entire squad.

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Cross to these axes, and as a fundamental issue to feed back our knowledge, we were loading all the information into a unified base. In order to be able to use it as an onboarding for future new members, as well as a history of what has been worked on by the design team for the different users and the interaction with the products.

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